Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Make-up Geek Club

Yesterday, Me and the rest of the founding members of Make-up Geek Club (You need to have a facebook account to view the page.) ladies did our first ever make-up session + photoshoot at julie's house. The event was really for ate Lyka's make-up portfolio and OH-MY-GAD She's really good. I'm so happy we got a chance to have a make-up tutorial from her personally. NICE!

Founding members: Julie, moi, Ate Lyka, Mariel, & Diane.

Smokey eye make-up tutorial from Ate Lyka. FUN!

i think this was 4-5am. Making love with julie's mac. LOL

If you have a great interest in make-up, join The "Make-up Geek Club" on facebook. You can ask questions or post any information you want to share on the page, anything about beauty, health, & of course make-up!
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