The Make up Geek Club is celebrating the Halloween! whoppee! so here's my contribution. It's a toy soldier/nutcracker look from here, Jen's her name and after i saw that tutorial/video...i fell in love with her!haha She's really pretty and very creative. If you want to try the look for Halloween or want to check out her blog for other looks, click this. <3
sorry for the low quality picture/s. Only using my webcam cos my digicam is broken.

I super thank Alain for letting me use her laptop and matte eyeshadows, cos i dont have any :( , And Kath for the lighting. When i'm doing this look they were busy putting some facial mask on. Thanks again for Alain for buying me one of those facial mask! :]
After removing the lower part of my make up (lips, lines, blush) i noticed i can still use my eye make up for a photo trip! haha

Removing make up is the most hardest part. Got a teary eye after removing my fake lashes.
FUN! Halloween is fun! hehe