a big HELLO everyone and a late Merry Christmas too! OHH! just a few days until new year begins! but before that, i'll share my FOTD & OOTD. hehe. Me plus the coolest family ever went to southmall last 2 weeks ago. Went shopping and had dinner at Sbarro.
FOTD - products used:
Almay make up
Avon brown eyebrow pencil
Nichido black liquid eyeliner
EB proeyecolor mascara

I have such the messiest hair ever. I don't comb my hair that much cos i have very thin hair so i add volume by just air drying my hair and combing it using my fingers. Just the way a rockstar do it. lol

I'm in the Bralalalala land! haha!

You'll definitely laugh at where i got my cardigan. haha!

with my cute cousin, Luna. Isn't that green shirt of her so adorable? haha! Thanks for your time reading! Happy New Year to all! :)